Friday, April 15, 2011

Kitchen Deprived...

I MISS COOKING. It has been precisely three weeks since I have been behind a stove and I am about to lose my mind. I've been so busy working that I haven't had the time or energy to devote into making a meal and that breaks my heart. I love to cook, and this is like a drug withdrawal. If anyone would like to open up their kitchen for me to come cook at 11:00 pm when I get off work, please let me know :)

The first thing I ever attempted to cook on my own was in high school... I was making chicken alfredo for my boyfriend at the time and I royally messed it up. I was in such a rush to finish because of his nagging, that the chicken was still slightly pink in the middle and the noodles were not quite finished. The sauce, however, was excellent.... because it was pre-made. Needless to say, our movie date turned into a sick mess. I have bettered my cooking abilities over time, and now I hardly even use recipe cards more than once. I love that I can easily remember what was in something even on just the second time making it. Mongolian beef, stuffed chicken rolls, southwestern eggrolls, italian soup, pork and shrimp lumpias, chicken cordon bleu... I could go on forever with my favorites...

On that note, I am looking for new recipes to try out. I have the same four or five that are my favorites, and it's hard for me to not repeat. I like to try and recreate my favorite things from restaurants, so any ideas would be greatly appreciated :) I have gotten pretty good at the Chili's Southwestern Eggrolls. I am moving back to Plano and in with my Dad in a couple weeks, and I feel like this is the perfect opportunity to test out some new things... home boy will eat anything.

Thursday, April 7, 2011


‎"We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them in mutual weirdness and call it love." -Dr. Seuss

I LOVE THIS. I am one of the biggest "weirdos" I know and hopefully I can find someone of equal weirdness to fit with me. When I saw the quote, it made me think of my everyday little routines that seem like nothing to me, but may seem unusual to others... like the fact that I love to put ketchup in my mac-n-cheese. Who wants to date somebody that puts ketchup in their easy mac? Or the fact that I MUST have a glass of water beside my bed because I frequently wake up in the middle of the night in desperate need of it. Or that I have a strict "routine" when I'm showering... face wash, shampoo, conditioner, body wash. In that order. Every time. Or that I hate wearing socks unless I'm wearing shoes that need socks. Or that I frequently catch myself bawling in Disney movies. Let's face it- I could go on forever. I'm a very weird person. I need another weirdo to call mine.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Well, THAT'S awkward...

Embarrassing moments... I have plenty of them. Especially lately. It seems like bad luck has followed me around like a sad puppy for the past week, and the "Oh dear lord, that did NOT just happen" type of situations have been abundant. 
Thursday, I slipped on a wet spot on the floor at work... this was no ordinary fall. No, I didn't spill anything I was carrying (Duh! Don't you know me?!) but what happened was far more devastating. I ripped my pants. And not your ordinary little split. Hello customers, would you like to see my rear?? 

Told ya. Yowza.

Today, while doing my normal run on the Lunsford Trail around ACU, I was daydreaming about something and completely forgot what I was doing. Not paying attention, I ran smack into a guy about my age who was running towards me. He was quite a bit bigger than me, but the force of me running full speed knocked him to the ground. How unbelievably embarrassing is it to be a girl apologizing to a guy for knocking him over? Do I make a joke about it? "Oh excuse me, little boy. Seems my muscles and brute force seem to completely overpower yours! See you later!" I stood there looking like a complete fool while I managed to force the only two words I could think of out of my mouth- "My bad..."
Apart from those major incidences, there have been the minor awkward moments. Open mouth, insert foot-type comments seem to be my thing lately, especially yesterday. Luckily, knocking over the man on the trail has been my only misfortune for the day... and hopefully it stays that way!